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Educational Activities Featuring
Jaimie P. Meyer, MD, MS, FACP

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December 31, 2020 Live and On Demand
Wohl, Malvesutto, Meyer
A Grassroots Approach to Weed Out HIV and HCV in Special OUD Populations
December 31, 2020 CME Snack
Malvestutto, Meyer, Wohl
Overcoming Challenges in HIV and HCV Testing and Linkage to Care
December 31, 2020 CME Snack
Meyer, Malvestutto, Wohl
Comprehensive Approaches for HIV Prevention in High-Risk Patients with OUD
December 31, 2020 CME Snack
Wohl, Malvestutto, Meyer
Management of a Patient with HIV-HCV Coinfection and Substance Use Disorder


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