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What do you want to see in Clinical Compass?
Last Issue - 12.05.06 |
Next Issue - 01.02.07 |
www.neuroscienceCME.com |
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 29 - December 19, 2006 |
Multidisciplinary CE Credits Offered!
Dosing and Receptors: Lessons Learned from CATIE
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD
John W. Newcomer, MD
Archived Videoconference
Released: Jan. 25, 2006
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Two Generations of Antipsychotics: Applying Lessons from the First Generation of Antipsychotics to Current Treatment Practice
George M. Simpson, MD
Peter J. Weiden, MD
Archived Audioconference
Released: Feb. 22, 2005
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Recovery vs. Recurrence: Optimizing Maintenance Therapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder
Paul E. Keck, Jr., MD
Roger McIntyre, MD, FRCPC
Archived Videoconference
Released: May 3, 2006
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Dosing and Receptors: Lessons Learned from CATIE
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD
John W. Newcomer, MD
Printed Monograph
Released Sept. 5, 2006
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Recovery vs. Recurrence: Optimizing Maintenance Therapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder
Paul E. Keck, Jr., MD
Roger McIntyre, MD, FRCPC
Printed Monograph
Released Sept. 6, 2006
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View our full library of complimentary self-study CE materials!
Helping Patients with Alcohol Problems: A Clinician's Guide 
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Clinical Knowledge Center Now Available at neuroscienceCME.com! 
A Salute to '06 
Helping Patients with Alcohol Problems: A Clinician's Guide
This recently updated guide, produced by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is written for primary care and mental health clinicians with guidance from physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, and clinical researchers. It is intended to help clinicians talk with their patients in an open and honest manner to determine which patients might be at risk for heavy drinking, and to offer management strategies to help patients cut back on their drinking... Read entire story 
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Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Clinical Knowledge Center Now Available at neuroscienceCME.com!
The Clinical Knowledge Centers at neuroscienceCME.com now reflect the significant experience that CME Outfitters has amassed in the important clinical area of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The ADHD Clinical Knowledge Center contains volumes of independently developed, rigorously researched information on ADHD and is offered as a free service to the professional neuroscience community.
CMEO's experience in ADHD has benefited hundreds of thousands of neuroscience professionals via a number of educational initiatives, including satellite broadcasts, medical meetings, APA symposia, and expert roundtable forums. Through these initiatives, CMEO has collaborated with the leading authorities in ADHD who have shared their research findings and clinical expertise in this unique area.
Visit the ADHD Clinical Knowledge Center today at neuroscienceCME.com (free registration required for new users) 
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A Salute to '06
As we prepare to close the lid on 2006, most of us can't help but reflect on how we spent the year. It's an instinctive year-end urge that compels us toward self-appraisal and assessment. Did we grow and help others to grow? Did we take time to celebrate our achievements? Did we face our challenges with courage and optimism? Did we make a difference?
Against those measures, this has been a year to be proud of at CME Outfitters. We believe that our growth and achievements have been directly influenced by the input and suggestions from you, our community of learners. Your calls for high-quality CME/CE drove us to pursue and achieve "accreditation with commendation" status from the ACCME in March. In April, we announced a world-class Clinical Advisory Board that spans the neurosciences and brings an unparalleled level of credibility to our program. In May, CMEO completed a nine-symposia tour de force at the APA Annual Meeting in Toronto. This summer we collected 3 new Telly Awards for CME broadcast excellence to bring our total to 10. This fall we assembled a Clinical Review Board to collaborate with our own Medical Resources Group in creating the superlative, multidisciplinary educational content that you demanded. We listened when you asked for more clinical content in this vehicle (Clinical Compass™) and we also updated its design to complement our flagship achievement, the launch in October of neuroscienceCME.com.
2007 is already shaping up to be full of new and innovative advances in the scientific level and formats of CME/CE offered by CMEO. As promised, we'll continue to seek out your opinions and preferences, and we'll be layering on new topics, features, and tools for you at neuroscienceCME.com. We'll do our best to anticipate changes in the healthcare landscape on your behalf, and then create education to prepare you for those changes. At the end of the day, we will look to you to answer the most important question: "Did we make a difference in your professional practice?"
American man of letters E.B. White is credited with saying: "I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. This sometimes makes planning my day difficult." At CME Outfitters, we welcome that challenge with gusto and we invite you to come along with us. Here's to the next leg in our journey! May the best of the holiday season be with you and yours!
Christopher Perez
Executive Editor, Clinical Compass™
Managing Partner, CME Outfitters
E-mail Chris 
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©2006 CME Outfitters, LLC