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VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 - January 30, 2007 |
Multidisciplinary CE Credits Offered!
Weight Gain with the Atypicals: How to Screen, Monitor, and Intervene
Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD
John W. Newcomer, MD
Robert R. Conley, MD
Live Videoconference
March 21, 2007
Register Now! Pre-Order Online
Multidisciplinary CE Credits Offered!
Treatment Convergence: Management of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder with Atypical Antipsychotics
John Kane, MD
Paul E. Keck, Jr., MD
Archived Audioconference
Released Nov. 16, 2006
Participate Order Online
Recovery vs. Recurrence: Optimizing Maintenance Therapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder
Paul E. Keck, Jr., MD
Roger McIntyre, MD, FRCPC
Printed Monograph
Released Sept. 6, 2006
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Dosing and Receptors: Lessons Learned from CATIE
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD
John W. Newcomer, MD
Printed Monograph
Released Sept. 5, 2006
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Exploring the Neurocircuitry of the Brain and Its Impact on Treatment Selections in ADHD
Peter S. Jensen, MD
Stephen M. Stahl, MD, PhD
Archived Videoconference
Released Mar. 1, 2006
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Two Generations of Antipsychotics: Applying Lessons from the First Generation of Antipsychotics to Current Treatment Practice
George M. Simpson, MD
Peter J. Weiden, MD
Archived Audioconference
Released Feb. 22, 2005
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View our full library of complimentary self-study CE materials!
Sleep and Wake Medicine Clinical Knowledge Center Now Available at neuroscienceCME.com!
The burgeoning field of sleep and wake medicine has underscored the impact of this discipline on many other aspects of healthy brain function. Narcolepsy, excessive sleepiness, restless leg syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea, and insomnia are critical areas where new advances are taking place virtually every day.
neuroscienceCME.com is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Sleep and Wake Medicine Clinical Knowledge Center. The premiere module in this new resource focuses on narcolepsy. Additional sleep- and wake-related areas will be launched soon. In 2007, neuroscienceCME.com will be your source for a major educational initiative on sleep and wake medicine.
Visit the Sleep and Wake Medicine Clinical Knowledge Center today at neuroscienceCME.com (free registration required for new users) 
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Does Religious Belief Influence Medication Adherence in People with Schizophrenia? 
Sleep and Wake Medicine Clinical Knowledge Center Now Available at neuroscienceCME.com! 
NEWS: New Feature at neuroscienceCME.com: Free Epocrates MedSearch Tool 
NEWS: CME Outfitters to Deliver Dual Symposia at Anxiety Disorders Association of America Annual Conference 
Does Religious Belief Influence Medication Adherence in People with Schizophrenia?
A new study has examined the relationship of religion and spirituality to medication adherence in patients with schizophrenia. There is a growing amount of literature suggesting that religion and spirituality may provide a positive effect on patients with schizophrenia - particularly for those patients whose social life and personal identity have become diminished by the chronic course of the diseases. For other patients, however, religion can have a negative impact on the outcome of mental disorders, particularly when it replaces or delays medical treatment. Some patients may refuse medical care, especially psychiatric care, because of their religious beliefs.
Read entire story 
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Responses from our last Compass Question™
In the 01.16.07 issue of Clinical Compass, we posed two questions. The first question was: "According to guidelines published by the American Diabetes Association/American Psychiatric Association, the protocol for patients who take atypical antipsychotics should include monitoring of:" and the neuroscienceCME learning community responded:
94% - Weight
81% - Waist circumference
90% - Lipids
94% - Glucose
78% - Blood pressure
63% - Personal/family history
The second question was: "I currently record baseline metabolic parameters for my patients who take atypical antipsychotics:" and the neuroscienceCME learning community responded:
34% - Once per year
45% - Every visit
14% - Every other visit
7% - Never
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New Feature at neuroscienceCME.com: Free Epocrates MedSearch Tool
CME Outfitters has collaborated extensively with Epocrates, the leader in mobile-based drug, disease, diagnostic, and educational information for healthcare professionals. Many CMEO-certified educational activities have been successfully distributed via the Epocrates platform. Now, we are happy to bring a new resource to neuroscienceCME.com: Epocrates MedSearch, an online drug lookup tool. Available at the site's individual Clinical Knowledge Centers and Resource Links areas, this tool provides web-based access to more than 3,300 drug monographs (brand and generic), dosing information, adverse reactions, contraindications, drug interactions, pricing, MOA, formulary data, pill identifier, and more.

CME Outfitters to Deliver Dual Symposia at Anxiety Disorders Association of America Annual Conference
CME Outfitters has been selected by the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) to develop two educational symposia at the group's 27th Annual Conference beginning on March 29, 2007, in St. Louis. The symposia will feature top experts on anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder, including (faculty listed alphabetically) Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, MD, Sharon Alspector Mozian, MD, Philip R. Muskin, MD, H. Blair Simpson, MD, PhD, Madhukar Trivedi, MD, and Karen Wagner, MD, PhD. ADAA is the leading national, non-profit organization dedicated to the early diagnosis, treatment, and cure of anxiety disorders. For more information on the ADAA's 27th Annual Conference, please visit www.adaa.org.
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