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VOLUME 2, ISSUE 15 - JULY 18, 2007 |
Multidisciplinary CE Credits Offered!
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Expert Discussions on Alcohol Dependence
Podcast Series
Premiere Date:
Monday, July 23, 2007
 Robert R. Conley, MD |
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Unmasking the Fallout of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain
Satellite Television Broadcast, Webcast, Telephone Simulcast
Premiere Date:
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Live Broadcast:
12:00-1:00 p.m. ET
Taped Re-Air:
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
 Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD |
 Philip D. Harvey, PhD |
 Roger S. McIntyre, MD, FRCPC |
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Excessive Sleepiness and Psychiatric Illness: Many Sides to the Story
Satellite Television Broadcast, Webcast, Telephone Simulcast
Premiere Date:
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Live Broadcast:
12:00-1:00 p.m. ET
Taped Re-Air:
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
 Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD |
 Mary B. O'Malley, MD, PhD |
 Thomas Roth, PhD |
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Pharmacodynamics of Atypical Antipsychotics: Clinical Correlations and Practice Implications
Satellite Television Broadcast, Webcast, Telephone Simulcast
Premiere Date:
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Live Broadcast:
12:00-1:00 p.m. ET
Taped Re-Air:
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
 Peter Weiden, MD |
 Christoph U. Correll, MD |
 Sheldon H. Preskorn, MD |
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Multidisciplinary CE Credits Offered!
Integration of Medical Care in Psychiatry to Improve Patient Outcomes
Archived Videoconference
Released June 6, 2007
John W. Newcomer, MD
Stephen J. Bartels, MD, MS
Joseph Parks, MD
Peter Weiden, MD
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Weight Gain with the Atypicals: How to Screen, Monitor, and Intervene
Archived Videoconference
Released March 21, 2007
Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD
Robert R. Conley, MD
John W. Newcomer, MD
Participate Order Online
Consideration of Reduction in Heavy Drinking as a Treatment Outcome and a Public Health Strategy 
Series Premiere in Five Days! 
Consideration of Reduction in Heavy Drinking as a Treatment Outcome and a Public Health Strategy
This month, Clinical Compass™ turns its attention to current issues surrounding the management of chronic alcohol dependence. Healthcare practitioners can play a major role in the care of patients who have or are at risk for alcohol dependence by actively screening and identifying these patients and by implementing an appropriate treatment plan.
A major treatment goal for alcohol dependence is to increase rates of abstinence. When used in combination with psychosocial support, pharmacologic agents can help committed patients reach this goal. However, healthcare practitioners continue to struggle with challenges in the management of alcohol dependence. Not every patient referred to treatment, or interested in recovery, is able to actually stop drinking. If individuals are able to stop drinking, they are still subject to cravings and urges to drink and may be able to only reduce their amount of alcohol consumption…
Read entire story 
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In the 07.03.07 issue of Clinical Compass™, we posed two questions. The first question was: "How would you rate your confidence in recognition and diagnosis of disorders of sleep and wakefulness in clinical practice?" and the neuroscienceCME learning community responded:
19% - Extremely confident
26% - Very confident
26% - Somewhat confident
29% - I need education on how to recognize and diagnose disorders of sleep and wakefulness
The second question was: "How would you rate your confidence in management of disorders of sleep and wakefulness in clinical practice?" and the neuroscienceCME learning community responded:
19% - Extremely confident
18% - Very confident
28% - Somewhat confident
35% - I need education on how to manage disorders of sleep and wakefulness in my practice
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Alcohol Dependence Podcast Update
Series Premiere in Five Days
As reported in the June 19 issue of Clinical Compass™, CMEO is putting the finishing touches on an innovative 4-part neuroscienceCME Podcast series titled Expert Discussions on Alcohol Dependence. The multidisciplinary CME/CE credits offered for this activity have been expanded to 1.5 hours, and it is free of charge for participants.
Join series moderator Robert Conley, MD, Chief of Inpatient Research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, and Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacy Science at the University of Maryland Baltimore, as he interviews the experts on new advances in the management of alcohol dependence in your patients.
Dr. Conley and his fellow experts will discuss clinically relevant issues including:
Module 1—Co-Occurring Mental Disorders: Impact on Outcomes
with Richard N. Rosenthal, MD
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
Chairman, Department of Psychiatry
St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center
New York, NY
Module 2—Barriers to Adherence in the Management of Alcohol Dependence
with Robert Swift, MD, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Brown University Medical School
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
Associate Chief of Staff for Research
Providence VA Medical Center
Providence, RI
Module 3—Combination Therapies Can Improve Patient Outcomes
with Raymond F. Anton, MD
Distinguished University Professor
Professor of Psychiatry
Director of the Center for Drug and Alcohol Programs
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC
Module 4—Effective Treatments for Alcohol Dependence
with Michel Sucher, MD, FASAM
Medical Director, Community Bridges
Medical Director, Monitored Aftercare Program
Arizona Medical Board
Scottsdale, AZ
This series will officially launch on July 23, 2007 and can be accessed at neuroscienceCME.com as well as via the iTunes podcast directory (requires free download of iTunes software).
Listen to an excerpt from Dr. Conley's introductory comments 
Excerpts from Modules 1 through 4 will be included in upcoming issues of neuroscienceCME Clinical Compass™. Thanks in advance for taking part in this important educational initiative.
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CME Outfitters, LLC, reserves the right to cancel any activity or make necessary changes in dates, times, speakers, content, and other details without notice. CME Outfitters, LLC, and the commercial supporters of these activities are not responsible for any speaker's or registrant's statements, materials, acts, or omissions.
©2007 CME Outfitters, LLC