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Your search for ALL ACTIVITIES returned 38 activities.
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Proceedings of the Forum: Addressing Unconscious Bias and Disparities in Health Care: A Call to Action

Peek, Cohen, Crear-Perry, Green, Harper, Kirksey, Knutson, Lester, Vela, White

  Racial and ethnic disparities in health care access and quality have long contributed to poor health, reduced quality of life, and increased morbidity and mortality among racialized minority populations in the United States; and yet, these disparities persist despite major advances in medicine and p...


Closing the Gap: Disparities in Oral Health and Access to Dental Care

Peek, Harper

  Disparities in oral health care are compounded by a fragmented health care/dental system that has led to a knowledge gap between medical and oral health care. Root causes of oral health inequity also include structural racism and social determinants, such as poor oral health literacy and low-income...


Promoting Equitable Oral Health in Patients of Color

Peek, Feinberg

  There are many vulnerable and underserved populations in oral health. Gaps in health and health care are often caused by the disconnect between medical and dental care and a fragmented system that has left 74 million people without dental insurance, leading to knowledge gaps and a lack of dental-med...


Irregular Care: Racial Inequities in the Management of Cardiac Rhythm Disorders

Peek, Jhalani

  Structural racism and classism leads to many of the social determinants of health (SDoH) that cause disparities in cardiovascular (CVD) care, such as unequal preventative care, heart arrythmia treatment, and research inclusion. Interpersonal racism, including unconscious bias, worsens disproportiona...


Parameters of Pain Care: Mitigating Racial Disparities in Patients with Chronic Pain

Peek, Green

  Pain care disparities exist across medical specialties and settings, with Black and Hispanic patients receiving less analgesia for fractures and musculoskeletal pain in emergency rooms than White patients, and pregnant women from minority backgrounds receiving less optimal pain reduction during deli...


Promoting Equitable Oral Health in Patients of Color

Peek, Feinberg

  There are many vulnerable and underserved populations in oral health. Gaps in health and health care are often caused by the disconnect between medical and dental care and a fragmented system that has left 74 million people without dental insurance, leading to knowledge gaps and a lack of dental-med...


Call to Action: Healing Racial Disparities in Dermatological Health

Peek, Lester

  Despite the higher incidence of cutaneous melanoma in White people, overall survival in non-White populations is significantly lower. Black patients are three times more likely to be diagnosed at later stages and face longer durations between diagnosis and treatment. This and other inequalities in s...


Racial Disparities in Cardiac Arrhythmia Care: A Call to Action

Peek, Jackson

  Racial disparities in potentially life-saving interventional cardiology care exist and persist even with otherwise equal access to care. Untreated or undertreated cardiac arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation (AF), can have serious consequences, including heart failure (HF) and stroke. Action ste...


Addressing Racial Disparities in Orthopedic Care

Peek, Harrington

  Racial and ethnic minorities undergo fewer surgical procedures, face longer delays for necessary procedures, and have worse postoperative outcomes across surgical disciplines. This is particularly prevalent in orthopedic surgeries for debilitating musculoskeletal conditions. Despite presenting with...


Inequitable Access and Outcomes: Health Care Disparities in Surgical Weight-Loss Procedures

Peek Turnquest

  Structural racism and systemic barriers to health care access can lead to increased risk and burden in surgical weight-loss procedures. Twenty-four states and the District of Columbia report a 35% or higher prevalence rate of obesity in non-Hispanic Black adults. It is well established that obesity...


Equity and Health Care Disparities: The Role of Leaders in Addressing the Crisis

Peek, Hines

  Racism is a public health crisis, and health systems play a critical role in addressing social determinants of health (SDoH) and health care provider (HCP) biases to further health equity. All levels of the health system, HCPs and staff from the C-suite to the front desk "gate-keepers", must be awar...


Achieving Equity in the Management of Chronic Pain: Treating the Whole Patient

Peek, Goree

  Patients from racial and ethnic minority populations consistently receive less adequate treatment for acute and chronic pain than White patients, even after controlling for age, gender, pain intensity, and access to health care. Inadequate pain care can lead to comorbidities, such as depression, and...


Racial Disparities in Melanoma Care: Steps to Improve Care

Peek, Alexis

  While melanoma incidence is lower in individuals with darker skin tones, persistent disparities exist in mortality rates, particularly among African American/Black and Hispanic patients. The many factors for higher mortality rates in racial and ethnic minority populations include low public awarenes...


Addressing Maternal Health Disparities: Changes You Can Make to Your Practice

Peek, Saint Louis

  In the United States, the maternal mortality rate is three times higher for Black women and two times higher for Native American women compared to White women. Sadly, 65% of maternal deaths are preventable. Factors contributing to the maternal health crisis in minority women are decreased likelihood...


Racial Disparities and Health Inequity in Oncology Care

Mitchell, Nooka, Nyame, Velazquez Manana

  There are many factors that lead to health care disparities in oncology care and outcomes for racial and ethnic populations, including root causes such as structural racism, social determinants of health (SDoH), and geographic location. As with other areas of health care, individuals with low income...


Real-world Tactics to Address Health Inequities in Melanoma Care

Mitchell, Taylor

  Where the predominance of melanoma is seen in White people, roughly 20 times that of Black people, the weight of later stage presentation, delayed treatment, and poorer outcomes falls on those of racial and ethnic underserved populations. A culmination of biases, disparities, and inequities continue...


Real-world Tactics to Address Health Inequities in Lung Cancer Care

Mitchell, Velazquez Manana

  Despite lung cancer being the leading cause of cancer mortality, its survival rate has continued to increase over the past 5 years. However, disparities in early diagnosis, treatment options and access, survival rate, and more remain for racial and ethnic underserved populations. A culmination of bi...


Maternal Health Care: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Irobunda, McClain-Henry

  Though awareness and recognition of disparities within maternal health have increased in recent years, persistent racial and ethnic disparities in both maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States remain. In fact, standardized maternal mortality reporting practices from 2018-2020 in the U.S...


Racial and Ethnic Disparities and Health Inequities in Multiple Myeloma

Mitchell, Mikhael

  The incidence of, and death from, multiple myeloma (MM) is 50% more in men than in women and over twice among Black people compared with White people, in spite of the fact that Black patients are more likely than White patients to have MM with a favorable risk profile. Much of these disparities in...


Racial and Ethnic Disparities and Health Inequity in Lung Cancer

Velazquez Manana, Lopes

  Every two and a half minutes, someone receives a diagnosis of lung cancer in the United States. Each day, nearly 400 people succumb to lung cancer. While the survival rate for lung cancer—the leading cause of cancer mortality—has markedly increased over the past 5 years, gaps in early diagnosis, tre...


Vision Care: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Fisher

  The impact of disparities in vision care is widespread—from lower test scores in school children to macular degeneration in the aging population. Gaps in early diagnosis, treatment options and access, preservation of eyesight, and more, remain for racial and ethnic underserved populations. A culmina...


Health Inequities in Joint Health Care

Peek, Chen

  Proper therapeutic and surgical interventions in conjunction with adequate pain management play crucial roles in determining the quality of life (QoL) of patients with joint health care needs. Patients in racial and ethnic underserved communities endure the systemic effects of unconscious biases and...


Real-world Tactics to Address Health Inequities in Multiple Myeloma Care

Mikhael, Usmani

  Multiple myeloma has twice the incidence and death rate in Black people, compared with White people. Yet, Black people are half as likely to undergo a stem cell transplantation despite having similar, if not better, survival rates compared to White people, when given standard of care treatment. Chas...


Health Inequities in Vaccination Optimization

Peek, Vela

  Disparities in the vaccination rates for traditionally underserved populations have occurred for influenza vaccinations for several years.1 These trends continue when looking at vaccinations for Covid-191 and use of PReP agents for HIV prevention,2 and will likely continue when vaccinations for RSV...


Real-world Tactics to Address Health Inequities in Prostate Cancer Care

Mitchell, Trinh

  Racial and ethnic disparities in prostate cancer are well documented. Compared with White males, Black males have a 1.5 times higher chance of developing prostate cancer and 2.2 times higher likelihood of death resulting from the disease. Gaps in early diagnosis, treatment options and access, surviv...


Joint Health Care: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Brown

  Disparities in joint health, including access to orthopedic care and rates of surgical intervention for disabling osteoarthritis, exist among racial and ethnic underserved and underrepresented populations. To establish equitable joint health care, it is critical not only to understand the role that...


Racial and Ethnic Disparities and Health Inequities in Prostate Cancer

Mitchell, Vince

  Racial and ethnic disparities in prostate cancer are well documented. Compared with White males, Black males have a 1.5 times higher chance of developing prostate cancer and 2.2 times higher likelihood of death resulting from the disease. Gaps in early diagnosis, treatment options and access, and su...


Health Inequities in Vision Care

Peek, Ramsey, Shoge

  The standard of vision care greatly affects the quality of life (QoL) for patients with vision needs, and clinicians need to carefully consider their interactions with patients when prescribing and assessing patients’ vision, while also unlearning unconscious bias and the historical structural racis...


The Patient Journey: Eliminating Disparities at Every Step

Peek, Bruessow, Canterbury, Richardson

  Health care disparities undermine the ability for patients to receive timely and accurate diagnoses, access to optimal treatments, and achievement of best possible outcomes. Each patient’s journey is inherently tied to their surrounding circumstances, including individual social determinants of heal...


Health Inequities in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Care

Peek, Balzora, Bernasko

  The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasing in all patient groups but rates are rising fastest in non-Hispanic Black patients. Clinicians are failing to recognize IBD in these high- incidence populations, leading to delays in diagnosis and worse long-term outcomes. Inequities in...


Pain Management: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Vega

  Quality of life (QoL) depends greatly on adequate pain management. Without sufficient care, patients dealing with chronic pain suffer in every station of their lives, ranging from personal to professional. Despite the importance of optimal pain management, health inequities persist. Following a pain...


Obesity Care: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Correa

  In the United States, the overall prevalence of obesity in adults has persistently increased over the last two decades up to 41.9% in 2020, and certain racial and ethnic underserved populations are disproportionately impacted by this disease. It is imperative that clinicians recognize the root cause...


Cardiology: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Bond, Essien

  Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia seen around the world. More than 12 million people in the United States will have AF by 2030, quintupling their risk for severe ischemic strokes. While the introduction of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) has enhanced stroke prophylaxis in AF,...


Health Inequities in Obesity Care

Peek, Noble, Stanford

  Both the American Medical Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) now recognize obesity as a disease characterized by multiple pathophysiologic aspects that require a range of interventions for treatment and prevention. As if this weren’t challenging enough, patients...


Mental Health Care: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Oliver-Pyatt, Sukhera

  Despite an increased focus on mental health and treatments available, disparities in care based on ethnic/racial differences still occur. For example, it is estimated that of Black adults who need mental health care, only one in three actually receive it.1 The care that is received, however, may sti...


Vaccines: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Kirksey

  Vaccinations for illnesses such as influenza and COVID-19 may be the best means for prevention and further spread of disease, yet, the rate of vaccination in the US often falls short of health care goals. For example, the CDC lists the goal for influenza vaccination to be 70% of the population, but...


Gastroenterology Care: Real-World Tactics to Address Health Inequities

Peek, Quezada

  The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is rising in racial and ethnic underserved population continue to drive disparities in outcomes. Individualized treatment strategies are needed, including shared decision-making and a multidisciplinary team approach, to work toward providing equitabl...


Culturally Respectful Care: Foundational Principles for Self and Practice Evaluation

Peek, Gonzalez

  In the United States, the presence of health care disparities undermines the ability for patients to access equitable, culturally respectful care, receive accurate and timely diagnoses and treatments, and achieve optimal outcomes. In order to address these disparities in care and outcomes, it is imp...

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